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So.... what is Kandi?

Kandi is jewelry made out of colorful beads that are strung together to form bracelets, necklaces, anklets, and more. They are often given as gifts between ravers at festivals and events. The beads can be made out of different materials, such as plastic, wood, or metal.

Full explanation can be found here:
What is Kandi? How do You Trade Them at Raves? (


Kandi has always been around in the Rave scenes,

however Swifties have been bringing it more "into the light"

and Mom is


You can read a little bit about it on Reddit:
(1) Kandi Culture : TaylorSwift (


So you may be asking yourself
"How does Kandi and Taylor Swift fit into the Au-some Bros?"

To be honest it's a bit of a stretch!

Mom's simply been having a great time making all sorts of cool bracelets.

It's been making her happy!  And we have managed to hand a few out here and there to friends.

A popular phrase surrounding Kandi is PLUR.
Which stands for: Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect

and we enjoy helping spread PLUR. :)

Mom took our cousin, Ava, out last week and Mom gave her the task of handing out at least 3 Kandi to kids they see out and about.

Ava surpassed that by handing out 6 Kandi total!

Mom and I agree that Kandi is totally something we can get

our cousins in to with us!  Why not???? It'll be fun!

We're going to post pictures of all the

Kandi on our Instagram and on Facebook!
If you receive or find an Au-some Kandi,

whether from a Bro or someone else, comment on the photo

or post your own photo and tag @ausome.bros21

We would LOVE to see where Mom's Kandi ends up!

"Spread kindness and change the world, one act at a time."

Kandi by Mom

Check these out!
All of these AND MORE can also be seen on our Instagram and Facebook.

(Click the links on the RIGHT >> )
Have you received any Kandi from one of us?

Post a picture and tag us!  We'd love to see how Happy it makes you!

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